Food to eat and avoid during periods

Food to eat and to avoid during your period

In this article
: food to eat
: food to avoid and
: fruit to eat



1. Salmon

Studies have repeatedly shown that women who consume the most omega-3s have milder period pain. And oily fish such as salmon (mackerel, trout and sardines too) are packed full of these wonderful anti-inflammatory fats. Aim to eat oily fish at least twice a week, and to further boost your omega-3s, flaxseeds, walnuts and omega-3 enriched eggs are all good sources.

2. Ginger

Sipping on fresh ginger tea may help to ease painful abdominal cramping. In a research study, 150 women were instructed to take 1 g of ginger powder per day, for the first 3 days of their period. Ginger managed to reduce pain as effectively as the drugs mefenamic acid (an anti-inflammatory painkiller) and ibuprofen. To make ginger tea, peel a thumb-sized piece of root ginger, slice, and steep in hot water with a slice of lemon for 5 minutes.

3. Green leafy vegetables

They might not be top of your cravings list, but kale, spinach and broccoli are all high in the anti-cramping mineral magnesium (which incidentally, also helps to make you feel more chilled out). They also contain vitamins A, C, B6 and E, calcium and potassium- nutrients that have all been shown to help alleviate PMS symptoms

3. Steak

Red meat is the richest dietary source of iron, which- if you suffer from heavy periods- could be exactly what your body is crying out for. It's wildly common for women to be low on iron during this time of the month, and the biggest sign is feeling totally wiped out! If you're not a meat eater, feast on some spinach, beans and lentils. If energy levels don't improve, get your levels tested as you may need to take a supplement.

       : FOOD TO AVOID

Research has proof that  chemicals, like canned foods, processed meat, and dairy, will only worsen the bloating and cause you to retain more water inside your body. These foods contain vast amounts of salt, which is otherwise unhealthy to consume, let alone during the menstrual period.

Candy and snacks

You can get all of the sugar you are craving from eating fruits. . Not only do these snacks not contain any healthy nutrients, but they also contribute to bloating and gas. You might benefit from a short-term spike in your sugar levels in terms of better mood, but you will eventually crash and feel worse then you did before.

Spicy foods

You should avoid spicy food during your period if your periods are severe, and you are experiencing strong fatigue, intense bleeding and cramping. Spicy foods could lead to more gas and bloating. 
However, if you enjoy the spicy foods you don't have to remove them from your diet during your period. Natural organic spices like fresh chili are found to contain substances that are inflammatory anti-cancer and antihypertensive. You benefit from these foods, as long as they don't upset your stomach.


You should avoid drinking on your period. The 5 to 7 Days of your period aren't the time to consume regular alcohol. Otherwise, avoid having alcohol while on period even if you are not enjoying parties and get-togethers frequently.
The loss of blood during your period might cause low blood pressure as well, which overall makes you extra vulnerable to side-effects of alcohol consumption. You are already a bit fatigued during the menstrual period, and drinking alcohol while on your period will only make the matter worse. Drinking alcohol can also increase the period flow and cause you to lose even more blood

   :     FRUIT TO EAT
Aside from being one of the healthiest foods in general, salmon helps ease period cramping. The omega-3 fatty acids this fish contains are know for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can help relax the uterus, alleviating the cramping pains. You can choose between salmon sushi, rolls, or grilled salmon to receive the most benefits. Besides salmon is rich in high-quality protein, in B vitamins, which make you gain more energy from food you eat.

If you're suffering from an irregular bowel movement or period induced diarrhea, bananas will make all your troubles go away. The vast amounts of magnesium, potassium, and fiber that banana contains will help with your bowel movement and will also have a relaxing impact on your mood. Magnesium is also known to be a useful muscle relaxer, and it will also help ease the cramping pain.

Dark chocolate
Are you looking for any excuse to eat more chocolate? If you are, the period is the best time of the month to treat yourself with some healthy organic dark chocolate. Chocolate is the best period comfort food.

However, stay away from drugstore sweets and processed candy, because the chocolate that contains artificial sugars isn't it all beneficial to your health. Go to your local organic food store or any other organic food supplier and get some original, unprocessed dark chocolate.

Are you suffering from fatigue during periods? If so, broccoli is the food to go with. There are countless ways to cook broccoli if you don't prefer it in your diet. You can boil it, grill it, saute it, and you can also use it to make a green smoothie. Fibers and large amounts of iron in broccoli will help compensate for some of the iron you will be losing due to period bleeding.

Broccoli is also rich in fiber, and will quickly nourish your body, which will reduce bloating,  as well as the irregular bowel movement. Magnesium and potassium, both found in large amounts in broccoli, ease all of the pesky PMS symptoms. However, don't add too much salt as it will lead to more water retention in your body.

Oranges are great food to eat to reduce the period symptoms. They contain vitamin D and calcium which helps relieve anxiety and depression. How does this happen?

When consumed together, vitamin D and calcium alleviate cramps and aches and help relieve depressive symptoms. 

Oranges are also rich in fiber which will undoubtedly help your digestive issues. They are also high in sugar and are a great food to resort to when you are craving snacks and candy. 

Watermelons, figs, and plums
Natural sugars found in these foods will easily compensate for the losses that occur inside your body during the period. These fruits are additionally rich in vitamins will undoubtedly help with bloating. Watermelon is also mainly made out of the water and will help to keep your body hydrated, further improving your mood and reducing cramps.

All of the citruses, including oranges lemons and limes, help alleviate mood swings and bloating. They are rich in fiber and vitamins. Moreover, citruses contain a lot of water, and the nutrients will absorb into your bloodstream very quickly. If you find yourself feeling fatigued or nauseous during your menstrual cycle, a glass of lemon water or a smoothie with citrus fruits will quickly alleviate the symptoms and help you feel good, fresh and energized. But don’t take it in big quantities as it can cause stomach irritation.

Eggs are among the healthiest foods. The egg yolk contains plenty of Iron, fat soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids and proteins which is overall beneficial to have during your menstrual period. However, hard-boiled eggs are known to cause bloating as well as heartburn to those with sensitive stomachs. You should have eggs every day to ease your period symptoms, but avoid eating hard-boiled eggs as to not experience gas and bloating.

Chamomile tea doesn't only relax your nerves, but your uterus as well. Chamomile tea will help to reduce severity of period cramps, anxiety and distress associated with it and it will help you fall asleep easier as well.


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