9 health benefits of eating watermelon.


watermelons a very good fruit to eat on occasionally

   Look at some of its benefit

1: it keeps you Hydrated:

Wondering the percentage of watermelon is water?watermelon as a fruit contain 91.9% of water which makes it one of the best sources of hydration
The combination of water and fibre makes it a best food.its also increase urination without stressing the kidney.

2: Improves Sleep
Watermelon plays an important role in improving our sleep because of the presence of polysaccharide carbohydrates which improve the body’s output of serotonin. An increase in serotonin levels at night makes your brain less sensitive to disruptive stimuli such as noises, thus promoting peaceful sleep. Consumption of a few slices of watermelon after dinner can extend the deep sleep stages of sleep by 27%.

3:It helps to reduces weight.

In spite of being sweet and filling, this big green fruit is low in calories and contains almost no fat or cholesterol. Moreover, it contains high levels of a compound called citrulline which is converted into the essential amino acid, arginine inside the body. High levels of arginine reduce the rate at which the body stores fat and improve cardiovascular functioning. Improvement in arginine concentrations in the blood after consuming watermelon leads to improved weight loss. One can undoubtedly consider watermelon for weight loss benefit.

4: It aid digestion

watermelon contain fibre and large amount of water so this makes digestion easily and preve.
. Very Hydrating
Interestingly, watermelon is 92% water which helps keep your body hydrated.
The combination of water and fibre means you're eating a good volume of food without a lot of calories.

5:May Help Prevent Cancer

Lycopene and other plant compounds in watermelon have been studied for their anti-cancer effects.
Although lycopene intake is linked to a lower risk of some types of cancer, the results are mixed. The strongest link so far seems to be between lycopene and cancers of the digestive system.
Lycopene appears to reduce cancer risk by lowering insulin-like growth factor (IGF), a protein involved in cell division.

6: May Lower Inflammation and Oxidative Stress.

Because Watermelon is rich in anti-inflammatory antioxidants, lycopene and vitamin C  may help lower inflammation and oxidative damage.
Lycopene may also help delay the onset and progression of Alzheimer's disease.

7. Is Good For Pregnant Women

Image: Shutterstock
Watermelon eases heartburn, a common condition during pregnancy. It also helps alleviate morning sickness . The minerals in the fruit can help prevent third-trimester muscle cramps.

Watermelon can be good for pregnant women in other ways as well.

8: it prevents Asthma

Hail lycopene, again! Being one of the key antioxidants, lycopene helps with the body’s reaction to cold and flu. And what’s more interesting is this antioxidant has been found to reduce asthma flare-ups in children (23).

Watermelon also allows people who have asthma to breathe properly.
Vitamin C: 21% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
Vitamin A: 18% of the RDI
Potassium: 5% of the RDI
Magnesium: 4% of the RDI
Vitamins B1, B5 and B6: 3% of the RDI


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